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Blog Modare Ultraconforto

| 22.07.2022

The future starts today: come and wear this idea!

It's always time to recalculate the path and bet on what makes you happy.

When was the first time you experienced a new sensation? Simple attitudes can make all the difference and have a rewarding impact on our lifestyle. Big or small, the efforts should result in a positive reality. If there used to be a belief that there was only one way to shop or perform an activity, this is now a thing of the past. 

The frequent adaptation to change and the need to reinvent oneself to face any kind of adversity collaborated to a new behavioral posture and this included adopting more current trends, such as the concept of minimalism, the DIY culture, sustainability, better consumption practices, a more discerning and welcoming look when it comes to self-care and well-being. Even a re-signification of living, as the adepts of home office and homeschooling, started to enjoy their own space more. 

This mindset and action have diffused into our style. Donating what no longer makes sense, or what is forgotten in the closet, promotes a sense of community and belonging. Giving up excesses to make room for essentials and quality items reflects a more conscious attitude. This extends to buying brands that help preserve the environment and have a well-defined social responsibility.

And that is how those who follow Modare Ultraconforto have already become used to checking the releases: recognizing its commitment to footwear that combines technological innovations and sustainable practices. The flip-flops and flats, for example, stand out for the functionality of the Reflex Sense insole, designed in EVA. The spheres massage the feet while activating blood circulation, and the neutral tones, such as peach and cream, imprint delicacy and elegance in any season. 

Read also: Resignifying materials in a sustainable way is what Modare Ultraconforto does

Tell me how you shop and I'll tell you who you are 

The world is changing very fast and every day we have the chance to do something original, with purpose, reevaluating old habits. So, tell me, which of these consumer profiles have more to do with your unique way of shopping?

Realistic Consumer

She knows exactly what she is doing, and in no way acts impulsively. She is the one who researches a lot, does not fall for misleading advertisements, and only buys what she needs. 

Entrepreneur Consumer

She makes the smartest choices and manages the conversation well until she gets what she wants. She loves novelties and has a business vision. In the future, she will promote a home bazaar among friends and will exchange what she bought for something that also matches her personality. In other words, she sees value in everything. 

Visionary Consumer

She likes to care about everyone around her, about the planet. She looks only for what is useful, without emphasizing what is on the radar. They look for affordable prices but are willing to pay more if it ensures their well-being. 

Tuned-in Consumer

She knows all the trends, is up to date on everything and checks what is successful on social media and among fashion influencers. If she loves something, she buys it straight away and invests in the same pieces, but in different colors, to update her capsule closet.  

Have you found the answer? Get to know that there is always a Modare Ultraconforto design to accompany you and take care of your feet's health.


The best insights into wellness, sustainable fashion, beauty and self-care so that women feel inspired to wear what makes them comfortable on a daily basis and that is in tune with the latest trends.


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